科学技术名词为您提供痕量元素,trace element,痕量元素的意思,trace element的意思,痕量元素的英文,trace element的翻译,痕量元素的翻译,痕量元素是什么意思,痕量元素什么意思,trace element是什么意思,trace element什么意思
痕量元素 相关科技名词
- 环境物质释放release of environmental substance
- 自然释放natural release
- 人为排放anthropogenic discharge
- 环境物质形态form of environmental substance
- 环境物质迁移transport of environmental substance
- 物质流material flow
- 环境物质转化transformation of environmental substance
- 降解作用degradation
- 生物降解biodegradation
- 细菌作用bacteria action
- 吸附作用adsorption
- 硝化作用nitrification
- 累积作用accumulative action
- 累积因子accumulative factor
- 累积系数accumulation coefficient
- 滞留时间residence time
- 环境年代学environmental chronology
- 环境自净environmental self-purification
- 生物净化biological purification
- 环境异常environmental anomaly
- 区域地球化学异常regional geochemical anomaly;areal geochemical anomaly
- 环境效应environmental effect
- 苏斯效应Suess effect
- 健康效应health effect
- 温室效应greenhouse effect
- 环境影响environmental influence
- 污染pollution
- 沾污contamination
- 环境污染environmental pollution
- 污染源pollution sources
- 污染类型pollution type
- 地球化学污染调查geochemical survey of pollution
- 臭氧耗竭ozone depletion
- 放射性污染radioactive pollution
- 光化学烟雾photochemical smog
- 尘暴dust storm;dust bowl;dust devil
- 酸雨acid precipitation;acid rain
- 重金属污染heavy metal pollution
- 富营养化eutrophication
- 嫌氧过程anaerobic process