科学技术名词为您提供非金属矿床学,geology of nonmetallic deposit,非金属矿床学的意思,geology of nonmetallic deposit的意思,非金属矿床学的英文,geology of nonmetallic deposit的翻译,非金属矿床学的翻译,非金属矿床学是什么意思,非金属矿床学什么意思,geology of nonmetallic deposit是什么意思,geology of nonmetallic deposit什么意思
非金属矿床学 相关科技名词
- 煤级coal rank
- 等煤级线isorank
- 等反射率线isoreflectance line
- 反射率分析法reflectance analysis
- 希尔特规律Hilt's rule
- 煤垩smut
- 煤华blossom
- 腐植煤humulite
- 腐泥煤sapropelite
- 腐植腐泥煤humosapropelic coal
- 残植煤liptobiolite
- 褐煤lignite;brown coal
- 烟煤bituminous coal
- 长焰煤long-flame coal
- 气煤gas coal
- 肥煤fat coal
- 焦煤coking coal
- 瘦煤lean coal
- 贫煤meagre coal
- 无烟煤anthracite
- 天然焦natural coke
- 腐泥sapropel
- 硬腐泥saprocol
- 腐泥褐煤saprodite
- 腐泥烟煤sapanthracon
- 腐泥无烟煤sapanthracite
- 胶泥煤saprocollite
- 藻煤boghead coal
- 藻烛煤torbanite
- 烛煤cannel coal
- 乐平煤Loping coal;lopite
- 煤精jet
- 成煤物质coal-forming material
- 煤成气coal gas
- 光亮煤bright coal
- 半亮煤semibright coal
- 半暗煤semidull coal
- 暗淡煤dull coal
- 凝胶化作用gelification
- 丝炭化作用fusinization