科学技术名词为您提供承载力,bearing capacity,承载力的意思,bearing capacity的意思,承载力的英文,bearing capacity的翻译,承载力的翻译,承载力是什么意思,承载力什么意思,bearing capacity是什么意思,bearing capacity什么意思
承载力 相关科技名词
- 工程地质学engineering geology
- 区域工程地质学regional engineering geology
- 区域地壳稳定性regional crustal stability
- 工程动力地质学engineering geodynamics
- 岩体工程地质力学engineering geomechanics of rock mass
- 环境工程地质学environmental engineering geology
- 土力学soil mechanics
- 岩体力学rock mechanics
- 岩土工程geotechnical engineering
- 工程地质调查engineering geological survey
- 工程地质勘察engineering geological investigation
- 工程地质测绘engineering geological mapping
- 地下工程underground engineering
- 土质改良soil improvement
- 地基foundation
- 破坏变形failure deformation
- 残余变形residual deformation
- 压密变形compaction deformation
- 总变形total deformation
- 残余强度residual strength
- 容重unit weight;bulk density
- 最大分子含水量maximum hydroscopic moisture;maximum molecular moisture capacity
- 压密soil compaction
- 压密系数coefficient of compaction
- 固结系数coefficient of consolidation
- 固结试验consolidation test
- 自然坡角nature angle of repose
- 孔隙比void ratio
- 初始应力primary stress;initial stress
- 不均匀沉陷differential settlement
- 超固结土overconsolidated soil
- 预应力prestress
- 牵引式滑动retrogressive slide
- 载荷load
- 有效载荷effective load
- 松散结构loosen texture
- 砂质黏土sandy clay
- 黏质砂土clayly sand
- 敏感黏土sensitive clay
- 敏感系数sensitivity ratio