半整数权模形式 modular form of half-integer weight 半整数权模形式的意思 modular form of half-integer weight的意思
英文对照modular form of half-integer weight
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科学技术名词为您提供半整数权模形式,modular form of half-integer weight,半整数权模形式的意思,modular form of half-integer weight的意思,半整数权模形式的英文,modular form of half-integer weight的翻译,半整数权模形式的翻译,半整数权模形式是什么意思,半整数权模形式什么意思,modular form of half-integer weight是什么意思,modular form of half-integer weight什么意思
半整数权模形式 相关科技名词
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- 既约剩余系reduced system of residues
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- 一次同余方程linear congruence
- 孙子剩余定理Chinese remainder theorem
- 二次同余方程quadratic congruence
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- 三次型cubic form
- 二元三次型binary cubic form
- 费马大定理Fermat last theorem
- 超越数transcendental number
- 丢番图逼近Diophantine approximation
- 超越数论transcendental number theory
- 一致分布uniform distribution
- 数的几何geometry of numbers
- 圆问题circle problem
- 解析数论analytic number theory
- 三角和trigonometric sum
- 指数和exponential sum
- 特征[标]character
- 特征[标]和character sum
- 高斯和Gauss sum
- 克卢斯特曼和Kloosterman sum
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- 本原特征[标]primitive character
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- 筛法sieve