超越元 transcendental element 超越元的意思 transcendental element的意思 超越元的英文 transcendental element的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供超越元,transcendental element,超越元的意思,transcendental element的意思,超越元的英文,transcendental element的翻译,超越元的翻译,超越元是什么意思,超越元什么意思,transcendental element是什么意思,transcendental element什么意思
超越元 相关科技名词
- 平凡赋值trivial valuation
- 赋值等价equivalence of valuations
- 赋值环valuation ring
- 位place
- 剩余域residue field;residue class field
- 典范赋值canonical valuation
- 赋值的阶rank of a valuation
- 赋值的扩张extension of a valuation
- 分歧指数ramification index
- 剩余次数residue degree
- 亨泽尔赋值Hensel valuation
- 亨泽尔赋值域Hensel valuation field
- 域的绝对值absolute value of a field
- 平凡绝对值trivial absolute value
- 阿基米德绝对值Archimedean absolute value
- 非阿基米德绝对值non-Archimedean absolute value
- 域完全化completion of a field
- 完全域complete field
- 实数域real number field
- 复数域complex number field
- p进绝对值p-adic absolute value
- p进数域p-adic number field
- p进数p-adic number
- p进整数p-adic integer
- 二进域dyadic field
- 离散赋值discrete valuation
- 正规赋值normal valuation
- 离散赋值环discrete valuation ring
- 非分歧扩张unramified extension
- 全分歧扩张totally ramifield extension;com-pletely ramified extension
- 弱分歧扩张tamely ramified extension
- 强分歧扩张wildly ramified extension
- 拓扑除环topological division ring
- 局部域local field
- 形式洛朗级数域field of formal Laurent series
- 局部域的布饶尔群Brauer group of a local field
- 局部紧可除代数locally compact division algebra
- 全不连通的totally disconnected
- 四元数quaternion
- 四元数可除代数quaternion division algebra