英文对照Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals;CMS
见载刊物《生态学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供保护野生动物迁徙物种公约,Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals;CMS,保护野生动物迁徙物种公约的意思,Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals;CMS的意思,保护野生动物迁徙物种公约的英文,Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals;CMS的翻译,保护野生动物迁徙物种公约的翻译,保护野生动物迁徙物种公约是什么意思,保护野生动物迁徙物种公约什么意思,Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals;CMS是什么意思,Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals;CMS什么意思
保护野生动物迁徙物种公约 相关科技名词
- 次生灭绝secondary extinction
- 人为灭绝anthropogenic extinction
- 背景灭绝background extinction
- 随机灭绝stochastic extinction
- 经济灭绝economic extinction
- 灭绝率extinction rate
- 孑遗种relict species
- 孑遗特有种relic endemic species;palaeo-endemic species
- 孑遗群落relict community
- 孑遗生态型relict ecotype
- 孑遗动物区系relict fauna
- 孑遗植物区系relict flora
- 孑遗型relict form
- 资源编目resource inventory
- 遗传有效种群大小genetically effective population size
- 生境分析habitat analysis
- 生境廊道habitat corridor
- 生境破碎habitat fragmentation
- 生境评价程序habitat evaluation procedure
- 生境管理habitat management
- 生境适宜度指数habitat suitability index;HSI
- 环境退化environmental degradation
- 环境不确定性environmental uncertainty
- 灾变catastrophe
- 自然灾害natural catastrophes
- 自然禁猎区natural sanctuary
- 鸟类禁猎区bird sanctuary
- 庇护所refuge;refugium
- 偷猎poaching
- 禁伐林reserve forest
- 围栏enclosure
- 保留地reserve
- 自然保护nature conservation
- 天然公园nature park
- 自然保护区nature reserve
- 严格自然保护区strict nature reserve
- 人与生物圈自然保护区Man and Biosphere Reserve;MAB Reserve
- 荒野地wildness area
- 保护地protected area
- 核心生境core habitat