科学技术名词为您提供局域斑块,local patch,局域斑块的意思,local patch的意思,局域斑块的英文,local patch的翻译,局域斑块的翻译,局域斑块是什么意思,局域斑块什么意思,local patch是什么意思,local patch什么意思
局域斑块 相关科技名词
- 存活时间survival time
- 存活曲线survivorship curve;survival curve
- 存活曲线类型survivorship curve type
- 关键因子分析key factor analysis
- 增长率rate of increase
- 内禀增长率intrinsic rate of increase
- 瞬时增长率instantaneous rate of increase
- 种群周转率population turnover rate
- 特定年龄出生率age-specific natality;age-specific fecundity
- 净生殖率net reproduction rate
- 世代平均长度mean length of a generation
- 自然增长率rate of natural increase
- 生殖价reproductive value
- 繁殖成功率breeding success rate
- 育雏数brood size
- 空间需求space requirement
- 分布型distribution pattern;distribution type
- 负载力carrying capacity
- 剩余空间residual space
- 自然反应时间natural response time
- 具时滞的种群连续增长模型population continuous growth model with time lag
- 时滞time lag;time delay
- 超越overshoot
- 超补偿overcompensate
- 反应时滞reaction time lag
- 单调阻尼稳定点monotonically damped stable point
- 振荡阻尼稳定点oscillatorily damped stable point
- 稳定极限环stable limit cycle
- 种群过程population process
- 种群变动轨迹population trajectory
- 种群平衡population equilibrium;population balance
- 种群灭绝population extinction
- 种群暴发population eruption
- 种群崩溃population crash
- 生物入侵biological invasion
- 定居colonization
- 定居速率colonization rate
- 种群扩散population dispersal
- 迁移migration
- 种群的季节消长seasonal change in number