食微生物动物 相关科技名词
- 食微生物动物microbivore
- 滤食动物filter feeder;suspension feeder
- 食浮游生物动物planktivore
- 食底栖生物动物benthivore
- 食鱼动物piscivore
- 鱼类年龄组成fish age composition
- 鱼类体长组成fish length composition;length-frequency distribution
- 鱼类年龄鉴定fish age determination
- 鱼类饵料基础fish feeding base
- 鱼类摄食强度fish feeding intensity
- 肥满度coefficient of condition;condition factor
- 性腺成熟系数coefficient of maturity
- 性腺成熟度maturity of fish gonads
- 怀卵量fish brood amount
- 生殖力fecundity
- 索饵场feeding ground
- 越冬场overwintering ground
- 产卵场spawning ground
- 育幼场nursing ground
- 产卵绝食spawning starvation
- 浮性卵floating egg;pelagic egg
- 漂流卵drifting egg
- 沉性卵demersal egg
- 黏性卵adhesive egg
- 孤雌生殖parthenogenesis
- 休眠孢子resting spore;resting cell
- 休眠卵dormant egg;resting egg;diapause egg
- 冬卵winter egg;mictic egg;gamogenetic egg
- 卵鞍ephippium
- 夏卵summer egg
- 临界期critical phase
- 浮游生活期pelagic phase
- 幼体期larval stage
- 幼后期post-larva stage
- 稚期juvenile stage
- 幼龄期young stage;immature stage
- 成熟期mature stage;adult stage
- 亚成体subadult;adolecent
- 无节幼体nauplius larva
- 桡足幼体copepodite;copepodid larva