科学技术名词为您提供晚感受器电位,late receptor potential;LRP,晚感受器电位的意思,late receptor potential;LRP的意思,晚感受器电位的英文,late receptor potential;LRP的翻译,晚感受器电位的翻译,晚感受器电位是什么意思,晚感受器电位什么意思,late receptor potential;LRP是什么意思,late receptor potential;LRP什么意思
晚感受器电位 相关科技名词
- 瞳孔反射pupillary reflex
- 听觉audition;hearing
- 听阈auditory threshold
- 听力级hearing level
- 听力曲线audiometric curve;hearing threshold curve
- 听力图audiogram
- 单耳听觉monaural hearing
- 双耳听觉binaural hearing
- 响度loudness
- 音调pitch
- 音色timbre
- 声音频率辨别sound frequency discrimination
- 声音强度辨别sound intensity discrimination
- 等响曲线equal-loudness contour
- 听觉适应auditory adaptation
- 暂时性阈移temporary threshold shift;TTS
- 永久性阈移permanent threshold shift;PTS
- 耳聋deafness
- 掩蔽masking
- 气导air conduction
- 骨导bone conduction
- 外耳道共振效应resonance effect of meatus
- 听骨链ossicular chain
- 中耳声阻抗匹配acoustic impedance matching of middle ear
- 中耳传递函数transfer function of middle ear
- 中耳肌反射middle ear muscle reflex
- 耳蜗力学cochlear mechanics
- 耳蜗内电位endocochlear potential
- 内淋巴电位endolymphatic potential
- 耳蜗微音[器]电位cochlear microphonic potential
- 总和电位summating potential
- 听神经元特征频率characteristic frequency of auditory neuron
- 听神经元反应区域response area of auditory neuron
- 调谐曲线tuning curve
- 纯音区域定位tonotopic localization
- 声源定位sound localization
- 回声定位echolocation
- 耳蜗电图electrocochleogram;ECochG
- 行波学说travelling wave theory
- 共振学说resonance theory