排泄 相关科技名词
- 排泄excretion
- 肾单位nephron
- 皮质肾单位cortical nephron
- 近髓肾单位juxtamedullary nephron
- 近侧肾单位proximal nephron
- 远侧肾单位distal nephron
- 尿生成urine formation
- 滤过膜filter membrane
- 涎蛋白sialoprotein
- 肾小球毛细血管压glomerular capillary pressure
- [肾小]囊内压hydrostatic pressure in Bowman's space
- 肾小球滤过glomerular filtration
- 超滤液ultrafiltrate
- 肾小球滤过率glomerular filtration rate;GFR
- 滤过分数filtration fraction
- 近端小管proximal tubule
- 远端小管distal tubule
- 髓袢Henle's loop
- 髓袢升支粗段ascending thick limb of Henle's loop
- 髓袢升支细段ascending thin limb of Henle's loop
- 直小血管vasa recta (拉)
- 肾小管重吸收tubular reabsorption
- 优先重吸收preferential reabsorption
- 恒定比率重吸收constant fraction reabsorption
- 肾小管负荷tubular load
- 协同转运co-transport
- 逆向转运antiport
- 肾小管最大转运率maximal rate for tubular transport;tubular transport maximum;Tm
- 紧密连接tight junction
- 回漏back-leak
- 泵漏模式pump-leak model
- [肾小]球-[肾小]管平衡glomerulo-tubular balance
- [肾小]管-[肾小]球反馈tubulo-glomerular feedback
- 肾糖阈renal glucose threshold
- [肾小]球旁器juxtaglomerular apparatus
- [肾小]球旁细胞juxtaglomerular cell
- 致密斑macula densa (拉)
- 利尿钠激素natriuretic hormone
- 肾小管分泌tubular secretion
- 氢钠离子交换hydrogen-sodium exchange