英文对照tensor product of matrices;Kronecker product of matrices
见载刊物《数学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供矩阵的张量积,tensor product of matrices;Kronecker product of matrices,矩阵的张量积的意思,tensor product of matrices;Kronecker product of matrices的意思,矩阵的张量积的英文,tensor product of matrices;Kronecker product of matrices的翻译,矩阵的张量积的翻译,矩阵的张量积是什么意思,矩阵的张量积什么意思,tensor product of matrices;Kronecker product of matrices是什么意思,tensor product of matrices;Kronecker product of matrices什么意思
矩阵的张量积 相关科技名词
- 酉矩阵unitary matrix
- 矩阵的逆inverse of a matrix
- 对称矩阵symmetric matrix
- 反称矩阵skew-symmetric matrix
- 埃尔米特矩阵Hermitian matrix
- 反埃尔米特矩阵skew-Hermitian matrix;anti-Hermitian matrix
- 正规矩阵normal matrix
- 正定矩阵positive definite matrix
- 正半定矩阵positive semi-definite matrix
- 负定矩阵negative definite matrix
- 半定矩阵semi-definite matrix
- 不定矩阵indefinite matrix
- 实矩阵real matrix
- 稳定矩阵stable matrix
- 负稳定矩阵negative stable matrix
- 矩阵的谱spectrum of a matrix
- 极式分解polar decomposition
- 黎曼矩阵Riemann matrix
- 等价矩阵equivalent matrices
- 相合矩阵congruent matrices;cogradient matrices
- 相似矩阵similar matrices
- 对角化方法diagonalization method
- 三角形化triangularization
- 行等价[的]row equivalent
- 列等价[的]column equivalent
- 典范矩阵canonical matrix
- 若尔当典范形Jordan canonical form
- 有理典范形rational canonical form
- 友矩阵companion matrix
- 初等因子elementary divisor
- 不变因子invariant divisor
- 行列式因子determinant divisor
- 矩阵的正规形normal form of a matrix
- 特征多项式characteristic polynomial
- 特征值characteristic value
- 奇异值singular value
- 奇异值分解singular value decomposition
- 优势比dominance ratio
- 非负矩阵non-negative matrix
- 共轭矩阵conjugate matrix