科学技术名词为您提供标量乘法,scalar multiplication,标量乘法的意思,scalar multiplication的意思,标量乘法的英文,scalar multiplication的翻译,标量乘法的翻译,标量乘法是什么意思,标量乘法什么意思,scalar multiplication是什么意思,scalar multiplication什么意思
标量乘法 相关科技名词
- 线性代数linear algebra
- 矩阵论theory of matrices
- 矩阵matrix
- 方阵square matrix
- 矩阵的元entry of a matrix
- 列矩阵column matrix
- 行矩阵row matrix
- 零矩阵zero matrix
- 单位矩阵identity matrix
- 标量矩阵scalar matrix
- 转置transpose
- 对角矩阵diagonal matrix
- 矩阵的对角线diagonal line of a matrix
- 次对角线minor diagonal
- 子矩阵submatrix
- 余子矩阵complementary submatrix
- 矩阵的秩rank of a matrix
- 列秩column rank
- 行秩row rank
- 矩阵的阶order of a matrix
- 矩阵的迹trace of a matrix
- 可逆矩阵invertible matrix
- 非退化矩阵non-degenerate matrix
- 退化矩阵degenerate matrix
- 初等矩阵elementary matrix
- 单项矩阵monomial matrix
- 置换矩阵permutation matrix
- 分块乘法block multiplication
- 分块对角矩阵block diagonal matrix
- 三角形矩阵triangular matrix
- 上三角形矩阵upper triangular matrix
- 伴随矩阵adjoint matrix
- 转置伴随矩阵adjugate matrix
- 幺模矩阵unimodular matrix
- 幂等矩阵idenpotent matrix
- 幂零矩阵nilpotent matrix
- 梯矩阵echelon matrix
- 正交矩阵orthogonal matrix
- 正常正交矩阵proper orthogonal matrix
- 反常正交矩阵improper orthogonal matrix