英文对照mean pole of the epoch
见载刊物《测绘学名词(第三版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供历元平极,mean pole of the epoch,历元平极的意思,mean pole of the epoch的意思,历元平极的英文,mean pole of the epoch的翻译,历元平极的翻译,历元平极是什么意思,历元平极什么意思,mean pole of the epoch是什么意思,mean pole of the epoch什么意思
历元平极 相关科技名词
- 中天法transit method
- 恒星中天测时法method of time determination by star transit
- 塔尔科特测纬度法Talcott method of latitude determination
- 多星等高法equal-altitude method of multi-star
- 北极星任意时角法method by hour angle of Polaris
- 时号time signal
- 协调世界时时号time signal in UTC
- 收时time receiving
- 时号改正数correction to time signal
- 电磁波传播[时延]改正correction for radio wave propagation of time signal
- 轴颈误差error of pivot
- 人仪差personal and instrumental equation
- 重力位gravity potential
- 重力gravity
- 岁差precession
- 章动nutation
- 矢量重力测量vector gravimetry
- 引力gravitation
- 离心力centrifugal force
- 引力位gravitational potential
- 离心力位potential of centrifugal force
- 正常引力位normal gravitational potential
- 正常重力位normal gravity potential
- 地球位geopotential
- 扰动位disturbing potential
- 正常水准椭球normal level ellipsoid
- 正常重力场normal gravity field
- 正常重力normal gravity
- 正常重力线normal gravity line
- 正常重力公式normal gravity formula
- 平均地球椭球mean earth ellipsoid
- 大地测量参考系geodetic reference system
- 地心引力常数geocentric gravitational constant
- 地球自转角速度rotational angular velocity of the earth
- 地球重力场模型earth gravity model
- 地球位系数potential coefficient of the earth
- 带谐系数coefficient of zonal harmonics
- 扇谐系数coefficient of sectorial harmonics
- 田谐系数coefficient of tesseral harmonics
- 克莱罗定理Clairaut theorem