丝体 相关科技名词
- 红形素rhodomorphin
- 红藻淀粉floridean starch
- 褐藻素pheophytin
- 淀粉核pyrenoid
- 副淀粉paramylum
- 营养繁殖vegetative reproduction
- 裂殖[作用]schizogenesis
- 接合[作用]conjugation
- 接合管conjugation tube
- 梯形接合scalariform conjugation
- 侧面接合lateral conjugation
- 自配生殖autogamy
- 同宗配合homothallism
- 异宗配合heterothallism
- 同配生殖isogamy;homogamy
- 异配生殖anisogamy
- 卵式生殖oogamy
- 生活史life history
- 世代交替alternation of generations
- 同形世代交替isomorphic alternation of generations
- 异形世代交替heteromorphic alternation of generations
- 有性世代sexual generation
- 无性世代asexual generation
- 孢子体sporophyte
- 配子体gametophyte
- 孢子spore
- 异形孢子anisospore
- 游动孢子zoospore
- 不动孢子aplanospore
- 复大孢子auxospore
- 似亲孢子autospore
- 中性孢子neutral spore
- 卵孢子oospore
- 壳孢子conchospore
- 附生孢子epispore
- 果孢子carpospore
- 败育动孢子abortive zoospore
- 单室孢子unispore
- 多室孢子plurispore
- 孢子囊sporangium