科学技术名词为您提供消去律,cancellation law,消去律的意思,cancellation law的意思,消去律的英文,cancellation law的翻译,消去律的翻译,消去律是什么意思,消去律什么意思,cancellation law是什么意思,cancellation law什么意思
消去律 相关科技名词
- 交换环commutative ring
- 交换代数commutative algebra
- 乘法交换律commutative law of multiplication
- 理想ideal
- 理想的根radical of an ideal
- 环的诣零根nilradical of a ring
- 素理想prime ideal
- 极大理想maximal ideal
- 环的谱spectrum of a ring
- 环的极大谱maximal spectrum of a ring
- 扎里斯基拓扑Zariski topology
- 整环[integral] domain
- 欧几里得整环Euclidean domain
- 主理想整环principal ideal domain
- 消去律cancellation law
- 乘法消去律cancellation law for multiplication
- 整除性divisibility
- 整除divisible
- 因子factor
- 单位unit
- 相伴元associated elements
- 真因子proper divisor
- 不可约元irreducible element
- 素元prime element
- 因子分解factorization
- 唯一因子分解整环UFD
- 戴德金整环Dedekind domain
- 普吕弗整环Pru&4&fer domain
- 理想的扩张extension of an ideal
- 理想的收缩contraction of an ideal
- 乘性子集multiplicative subset
- 局部化localization
- 分式环ring of fractions
- 分式域quotient field
- 局部环local ring
- 半局部环semi-local ring
- 完全局部环complete local ring
- 交换A代数commutative A-algebra
- 整元integral element
- 整的integral