翅脉 相关科技名词
- 颊突genal process
- 颊下沟subgenal sutures
- 口上片epistoma
- 口侧沟pleurostomal suture
- 口侧区pleurostomal area
- 口后沟hypostomal suture
- 口后区hypostomal area
- 口后片hypostomal sclerite
- 口后桥hypostomal bridge
- 后头沟occipital sulcus
- 后头occiput
- 上后头epicephalon
- 下后头metacephalon
- 次后头沟postoccipital sulcus
- 次后头postocciput
- 后头突odontoidea
- 后颊postgena
- 后颊桥postgenal bridge;genaponta
- 外咽片gula;gular plate
- 外咽缝gular suture
- 后头孔foramen magnum;occipital foramen
- 口mouth
- 口缘peristome;peristomium
- 口盘oral disc
- 口器mouthparts;trophi
- 口腔buccal cavity;oral cavity
- 内唇epipharynx;epiglossa;epiglottis
- 上内唇labrumepipharynx
- 食窦cibarium
- 口前腔preoral cavity;mouth cavity
- 前口prestomum
- 咀嚼式口器chewing mouthparts;biting mouthparts
- 嚼吸式口器bitingsucking mouthparts
- 舌悬骨suspensorium of the hypopharynx;fulturae
- 内唇片epipharyngeal sclerites
- 中舌瓣flabellum
- 食物道food meatus;food channel
- 刺吸式口器piercingsucking mouthparts
- 舌侧片lorum;lora (复)
- 锉吸式口器raspingsucking mouthparts