骨发生 相关科技名词
- 外界膜outer limiting membrane
- 外核层outer nuclear layer
- 外网层outer plexiform layer
- 内核层inner nuclear layer
- 内网层inner plexiform layer
- 节细胞层ganglion cell layer
- 神经纤维层nerve fiber layer
- 内界膜inner limiting membrane
- 黄斑macula lutea (拉)
- 中央凹central fovea
- 视盘optic disc;papilla of optic nerve
- 反光膜tapetum lucidum;argentea
- 前房anterior chamber
- 后房posterior chamber
- 房水aqueous humor
- 晶状体lens
- 玻璃体腔vitreous space
- 玻璃体vitreous body
- 玻璃蛋白vitrein
- 玻璃体细胞hyalocyte
- 玻璃体管hyaloid canal
- 眼睑eyelid
- 睑板tarsal plate;tarsus
- 睑板腺tarsal gland;Meibomian gland
- 结膜conjunctiva;conjunctive tunic
- 瞬膜nictitating membrane
- 泪腺lacrimal gland
- 瞳孔pupil
- 瞳孔开大肌dilator muscle of pupil
- 瞳孔括约肌sphincter muscle of pupil
- 骨迷路osseous labyrinth
- 膜迷路membranous labyrinth
- 外淋巴膜perilymphytic space
- 内淋巴导管endolymphytic duct
- 内淋巴囊endolymphytic sac
- 外淋巴perilymph
- 内淋巴endolymph
- 前庭vestibule
- 半规管semicircular canal
- 耳蜗cochlea