广盐性 euryhaline;eurysalinity 广盐性的意思 euryhaline;eurysalinity的意思 广盐性的英文 euryhaline;eurysalinity的翻译
广盐性 相关科技名词
- 生态幅度ecological amplitude
- 生态最适度ecological optimum
- 最适度optimum
- 最劣度pessimum
- 即时致死带zone of immediate death
- 生态气候ecoclimate
- 最适气候optimal climate
- 小气候microclimate
- 水面气候hydroclimate
- 季节最高量seasonal maximum
- 季节最低量seasonal minimum
- 有效温度effective temperature
- 有效积温total effective temperature
- 有效温度带zone of effective temperature
- 适宜温度optimal temperature
- 亚适温suboptimal temperature
- 致死低温fatal low temperature
- 致死高温fatal high temperature
- 温跃层thermocline
- 温度系数temperature coefficient
- 温周期thermoperiod
- 湿度因子humidity factor
- 致死湿度fatal humidity
- 温湿图thermo-hygrogram;hydrotherm graph;temperature-humidity graph
- 光周期photoperiod
- 光周期性photoperiodicity
- 光周期现象photoperiodism
- 补偿作用compensation
- 淡水fresh water
- 半咸水brackish water
- 咸水salt water
- 中盐mesohaline
- 盐跃层halinecline
- 土壤因子edaphic factor
- 生命元素bioelement
- 常量营养物macronutrient
- 微量营养物micronutrient
- 生物地化循环biogeochemical cycle
- 水循环water cycle
- 碳循环carbon cycle