科学技术名词为您提供开浸入,open immersion,开浸入的意思,open immersion的意思,开浸入的英文,open immersion的翻译,开浸入的翻译,开浸入是什么意思,开浸入什么意思,open immersion是什么意思,open immersion什么意思
开浸入 相关科技名词
- 有理簇rational variety
- 非奇簇non-singular variety
- 光滑簇smooth variety
- 抽象非奇曲线abstract non-singular curve
- 泛点generic point
- 点的特殊化specialization of a point
- 簇定义域field of definition for variety
- 积簇product variety
- 塞格雷嵌入Segre imbedding
- 塞格雷类Segre class
- d重嵌入d-uple imbedding
- 格拉斯曼簇Grassmanian variety
- 普吕克坐标Plu&4&cker coordinates
- 群簇group variety
- 相交理论intersection theory
- 正常相交intersect properly
- 相交数intersection number
- 交重数intersection multiplicity
- 代数闭链algebraic cycle
- 有理等价rationally equivalence
- 周环Chou ring
- 周坐标Chou coordinates
- 同调等价homologically equivalence
- 预层presheaf
- 瓣section
- 整体瓣global section
- 预层的茎stalk of presheaf
- 层sheaf
- 子层subsheaf
- 层态射morphism of sheaves
- 层同构isomorphism of sheaves
- 正则函数层sheaf of regular functions
- 阿贝尔群层sheaf of Abelian groups
- 环层sheaf of rings
- 松弛层flabby sheaf
- 常数层constant sheaf
- 商层quotient sheaf
- 戴环空间ringed space
- 局部戴环空间locally ringed space
- 仿射概形affine scheme