遗传 相关科技名词
- 幻听auditory hallucination
- 色听colored hearing
- 听觉理论theory of hearing
- 听觉频率理论frequency theory of hearing
- 钢琴说piano theory
- 共鸣说resonance theory
- 听觉位置说place theory of hearing
- 听觉电话说telephone theory of hearing
- 行波说traveling wave theory
- 排放说volley theory
- 化学感觉chemical sensation
- 嗅觉olfactory sensation
- 嗅觉阈限olfactory threshold
- 嗅觉计olfactometer
- 嗅觉缺乏anosmia
- 嗅觉过敏hyperosmia
- 味觉gustatory sensation
- 气味flavour
- 味觉区taste area
- 单味觉gustum
- 味觉敏度taste acuity
- 味觉阈限taste threshold
- 味觉绝对阈限taste absolute threshold
- 味觉融合临界点critical fusion point in taste
- 味觉四面体taste tetrahedron
- 味觉适应taste adaptation
- 味觉混合taste mixture
- 味觉频率理论taste frequency theory
- 触觉touch sensation
- 触觉定位tactual localization
- 触点touch spot
- 触觉感受野touch receptive field
- 两点阈two-point limen
- 时间总合作用temporal summation
- 触觉计aesthesiometer
- 压觉pressure sensation
- 压觉适应pressure sensation adaptation
- 温度觉temperature sensation
- 生理零度physiological zero
- 中性区neutral zone