英文对照cognitive process
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科学技术名词为您提供认知过程,cognitive process,认知过程的意思,cognitive process的意思,认知过程的英文,cognitive process的翻译,认知过程的翻译,认知过程是什么意思,认知过程什么意思,cognitive process是什么意思,cognitive process什么意思
认知过程 相关科技名词
- 差别阈限differential threshold
- 最小可觉差just noticeable difference
- 极限法limit method
- 下限lower limit
- 差别阈限法differential limen method
- 上差别阈upper difference threshold
- 下差别阈lower difference threshold
- 调整法method of adjustment
- 不确定间距interval of uncertainty
- 恒定刺激法method of constant stimulus
- 次数法frequency method
- 等距法method of equal interval
- 最小变化法method of minimal change
- 递增系列ascending series
- 递减系列descending series
- 预期误差anticipation error
- 等级法ranking method
- 数值评估法method of magnitude estimation
- 分段法fractionation method
- 误差error
- 平均误差法method of average error
- 恒定误差constant error
- 偶然误差accidental error
- 主观相等点point of subjective equality;PSE
- 正误法method of right and wrong cases
- 二分法method of dichotomic classification
- 双重分离double dissociation
- 消除法method of elimination
- 阶梯法staircase method
- 对偶比较法method of paired comparison
- 单一刺激法method of single stimulus
- 费希纳定律Fechner's law
- 韦伯分数Weber fraction
- 韦伯比例Weber ratio
- 韦伯定律Weber law
- 韦伯-费希纳定律Weber-Fechner law
- 幂函数定律power function law
- 史蒂文斯定律Stevens' law
- 对数定律logarithmic law
- 刺激变量stimulus variable