英文对照equidis-tant curve of curtate hypocycloid
所属学科机械工程 > 机械零件与传动 > 传动 > 齿轮传动
见载刊物《机械工程名词(第一分册)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供短幅内摆线的等距曲线,equidis-tant curve of curtate hypocycloid,短幅内摆线的等距曲线的意思,equidis-tant curve of curtate hypocycloid的意思,短幅内摆线的等距曲线的英文,equidis-tant curve of curtate hypocycloid的翻译,短幅内摆线的等距曲线的翻译,短幅内摆线的等距曲线是什么意思,短幅内摆线的等距曲线什么意思,equidis-tant curve of curtate hypocycloid是什么意思,equidis-tant curve of curtate hypocycloid什么意思
短幅内摆线的等距曲线 相关科技名词
- 分度圆锥角reference cone angle
- 节[圆]锥角pitch angle
- 顶[圆]锥角tip angle
- 根圆锥角root angle
- 背锥角back cone angle
- 齿顶角addendum angle
- 齿根角dedendum angle
- 大端螺旋角outer spiral angle
- 小端螺旋角inner spiral angle
- 高变位锥齿轮副gear pair with addendum modification
- 角变位锥齿轮副gear pair with shaft angle modification
- 锥齿轮的基本齿廓basic tooth profile of bevel gears
- 齿尖crown
- 8字啮合冠轮octoid crown gear
- 凹面concave side
- 凸面convex side
- 正车齿面drive side
- 倒车齿面coast side
- 齿角tooth angle
- 谐波齿轮传动harmonic gear drive
- 谐波齿轮传动机构harmonic gear drive mechanism
- 波发生器wave generator
- 柔性齿轮flexible gear;flexspline
- 刚性齿轮circular spline
- 波数wave number
- 单波single wave
- 双波double wave
- 三波triple wave
- 波高wave height
- 波高系数coefficient of wave height
- 径向变形[量]radial deflection
- 切向变形[量]tangential deflec-tion
- 轴向变形[量]axial deflection
- 最大变形[量]maximum deflec-tion
- 最大变形量系数coefficient of maximum deflection
- 畸变distortion
- 空程lost motion
- 间隙空程lost motion caused by clearance
- 弹变空程lost motion caused by elastic deflection
- 跳齿现象slippage phenomenon