英文对照subdivision of land
见载刊物《测绘学名词(第三版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供土地划分,subdivision of land,土地划分的意思,subdivision of land的意思,土地划分的英文,subdivision of land的翻译,土地划分的翻译,土地划分是什么意思,土地划分什么意思,subdivision of land是什么意思,subdivision of land什么意思
土地划分 相关科技名词
- 三维网three dimensional network
- 变形监测控制网control network for deformation monitoring
- 勘测设计阶段测量survey for reconnaissance and design
- 施工测量construction survey
- 竣工测量acceptance survey
- 纵断面测量profile survey
- 横断面测量cross-section survey
- 纵断面图profile diagram;profile
- 横断面图cross-section profile
- 碎部测量detail survey
- 平板仪测量plane-table survey
- 经纬仪测绘法mapping method with transit
- 大比例尺测图large scale topographic mapping
- 大比例尺数字测图large scale digital topographic mapping
- 直角坐标网rectangular grid
- 矩形分幅rectangular mapsheet
- 正方形分幅square mapsheet
- 地形底图base map of topography
- 任意轴子午线arbitrary central meridian
- 独立坐标系independent coordinate system
- 假定坐标系assumed coordinate system
- 变形观测deformation observation
- 位移观测displacement observation
- 裂缝观测fissure observation
- 沉降观测settlement observation
- 挠度观测deflection observation
- 倾斜观测oblique observation;tilt observation
- 地质测量geological survey
- 勘探网测设prospecting network layout
- 勘探线测量prospecting line survey
- 勘探基线prospecting baseline
- 地质点测量geological point survey
- 近井点control point near shaft
- 钻孔位置测量bore-hole position survey
- 地质剖面测量geological profile survey
- 区域地质调查regional geological survey
- 井探工程测量shaft prospecting engineering survey
- 坑探工程测量adit prospecting engineering survey
- 勘探线剖面图prospecting line profile map
- 坑道平面图adit plane