固相法制粉 solid state processing for making powder 固相法制粉的意思 solid state processing for making powder的意思
英文对照solid state processing for making powder
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科学技术名词为您提供固相法制粉,solid state processing for making powder,固相法制粉的意思,solid state processing for making powder的意思,固相法制粉的英文,solid state processing for making powder的翻译,固相法制粉的翻译,固相法制粉是什么意思,固相法制粉什么意思,solid state processing for making powder是什么意思,solid state processing for making powder什么意思
固相法制粉 相关科技名词
- 轮碾roll grinding
- 对辊粉碎rollers crushing
- 圆盘磨粉碎disc roll grinding
- 雷蒙磨粉碎Raymond milling
- 球磨ball mill
- 振动磨vibration mill
- 搅拌磨attrition mill
- 固相法制粉solid state processing for making powder
- 气相反应法制粉gas reaction preparation of powder
- 热[分]解法制粉pyrolysis processing for making powder
- 机械力化学法制粉making powder through mechanochemistry
- 湿化学法制粉making powder through wet chemistry
- 化学共沉淀法制粉chemical coprecipitation process for making powder
- 水热法制粉hydrothermal process of powder
- 溶胶凝胶法制粉making powder through sol-gel process
- 有机盐反应法制粉making powder through reaction of organic salt
- 乳液法制粉making powder through emulsion process
- 喷雾热分解法制粉making powder through spray pyrolysis
- 等离子合成法制粉plasma process for making powder
- 激光诱导化学气相反应制粉making powder through laser inducing gas reaction
- 化学气相沉积法制粉chemical vapor deposition process for making powder;CVD process for making powder
- 火焰合成法flame synthesis of powder
- 离心脱水centrifugal dewatering;centrifugal sedimentation
- 挤压脱水pressing leaching;squeeze dehydration
- 真空抽滤vacuum filtration
- 喷雾干燥spray drying
- 冷冻干燥frozen drying
- 超临界干燥super critical drying
- 造粒工艺granulation technology
- 团聚体aggregate;agglomeration
- 解团聚deaggregating process
- 滚压成型roller forming
- 注浆成型slip casting
- 挤压成型extrusion forming
- 压力注浆成型pressure slip casting
- 离心注浆成型centrifugal slip casting
- 热压铸成型low pressure injection molding;hot injection molding
- 冷等静压成型cold isostatic pressing molding
- 流延成型tap casting;doctor blading
- 轧膜成型rolling film forming