英文对照artificial weathering aging
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科学技术名词为您提供人工气候老化,artificial weathering aging,人工气候老化的意思,artificial weathering aging的意思,人工气候老化的英文,artificial weathering aging的翻译,人工气候老化的翻译,人工气候老化是什么意思,人工气候老化什么意思,artificial weathering aging是什么意思,artificial weathering aging什么意思
人工气候老化 相关科技名词
- 等温纺丝拉伸黏度tensile viscosity by isothermal spinning
- 薄膜熔体拉伸黏度tensile viscosity of film melt
- 肖氏硬度Shore hardness
- 赵氏硬度Zhao hardness
- 短期静液压强度short-time static hydraulic pressure strength
- 爆破强度burst strength
- 简支梁冲击强度Charpy impact strength
- 悬臂梁式冲击强度Izod impact strength
- 落重冲击试验falling weight impact test
- 落镖冲击试验dart impact test
- 撕裂强度tearing strength
- 圆弧撕裂强度circular arc tearing strength
- 埃尔门多夫法撕裂强度Elmendorf tearing strength
- 泰伯磨耗试验Taber abrasion test
- 纵向尺寸回缩率longitudinal dimension recovery ratio
- 抗银纹性crazing resistance
- 抗溶剂银纹性solvent craze resistance
- 抗蠕变性creep resistance
- 耐环境应力开裂environmental stress cracking resistance
- 臭氧老化ozon aging
- 热空气老化air oven aging
- 人工气候老化artificial weathering aging
- 自然气候老化natural weathering aging
- 动态大气老化dynamic weathering
- 加速大气老化accelerated weathering
- 自然储存老化natural storing aging
- 光老化light aging;photoaging
- 热氧老化thermal oxidative aging
- 生物老化biological aging
- 气候暴露试验weather exposure test
- 老化性能变化率property variation percent during aging
- 塑料白度plastic whiteness
- 雾度haze
- 黄色指数yellowness index;yellow index
- 镜面光泽度degree of specular gloss
- 水蒸气渗透率water vapor permeability coefficient
- 可燃性flammability
- 灼烧性ignitability
- 骤燃温度flash ignition temperature
- 点着温度ignition temperature