单层偏轴 off-axis of lamina 单层偏轴的意思 off-axis of lamina的意思 单层偏轴的英文 off-axis of lamina的翻译
英文对照off-axis of lamina
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科学技术名词为您提供单层偏轴,off-axis of lamina,单层偏轴的意思,off-axis of lamina的意思,单层偏轴的英文,off-axis of lamina的翻译,单层偏轴的翻译,单层偏轴是什么意思,单层偏轴什么意思,off-axis of lamina是什么意思,off-axis of lamina什么意思
单层偏轴 相关科技名词
- 反对称层合板anti-symmetric laminate
- 非对称层合板unsymmetric laminate
- 均衡层合板balanced laminate
- 均衡对称层合板balanced symmetric laminate
- 对称非均衡层合板symmetric unbalanced laminate
- 均衡非对称层合板balanced unsymmetric laminate
- 规则层合板periodic laminate
- π/4层合板π/4 laminate
- 子层合板sublaminate
- 层合板族laminate family
- 层合板最大应力失效判据maximum stress failure criteria of laminate
- 层合板最大应变失效判据maximum strain failure criteria of laminate
- 蔡-希尔失效判据Tsai-Hill failure criteria
- 层合板蔡-吴失效判据Tsai-Wu failure criteria of laminate
- 层合板最先一层失效载荷first ply failure load of laminate
- 层合板逐层失效successive ply failure of laminate
- 层合板最终失效last ply failure of laminate
- 层合板失效包线failure envelope of laminate
- 层合板最先一层失效包线first ply failure envelope of laminate
- 层合板最终失效包线last ply failure envelope
- 层合板强度比strength ratio of laminate
- 复合材料许用值allowable of composite
- 复合材料设计许用值design allowable of composite
- 铺层设计layer design
- 层合板等代设计replacement design of laminate
- 层合板准网络设计netting design of laminate
- 层合板主应力设计[0]principal stress design of laminate
- 层合板等刚度设计isostiffness design of laminate
- 层合板排序法设计ranking design of laminate
- 复合材料气动弹性剪裁优化设计aerodynamic elasticity tailor optimum design of composite
- 层合结构耐久性设计durability design of laminar structure
- 复合材料细观-宏观一体化设计micro-macro design of composite;MIC-MAC design of composite
- 复合材料设计制造一体化design for manufacture of composite
- 复合材料修理容限repair tolerance of composite
- 积木式方法building block approach;BBA
- 复合材料纵向强度longitudinal strength of composite
- 复合材料横向强度transverse strength of composite
- 复合材料纵向弹性模量longitudinal modulus of composite
- 复合材料横向弹性模量transverse modulus of composite
- 复合材料纵横剪切强度longitudinal-transverse shear strength of composite