科学技术名词为您提供粉末冶金[学],powder metallurgy,粉末冶金[学]的意思,powder metallurgy的意思,粉末冶金[学]的英文,powder metallurgy的翻译,粉末冶金[学]的翻译,粉末冶金[学]是什么意思,粉末冶金[学]什么意思,powder metallurgy是什么意思,powder metallurgy什么意思
粉末冶金[学] 相关科技名词
- 采矿[学]mining
- 地下采矿[学]underground mining
- 露天采矿[学]open cut mining;open pit mining;surface mining
- 砂矿开采[学]placer mining
- 水力采矿[学]hydraulic mining
- 溶解采矿[学]solution mining
- 采矿工程mining engineering
- 选矿[学]mineral dressing;ore beneficia- tion;mineral processing
- 矿物工程mineral engineering
- 冶金[学]metallurgy
- 过程冶金[学]process metallurgy
- 提取冶金[学]extractive metallurgy
- 化学冶金[学]chemical metallurgy
- 物理冶金[学]physical metallurgy
- 金属学
- 冶金过程物理化学physical chemistry of process met- allurgy
- 冶金反应工程学metallurgical reaction engineering
- 冶金工程metallurgical engineering
- 钢铁冶金[学]ferrous metallurgy;metallurgy of iron and steel
- 有色金属冶金[学]nonferrous metallurgy
- 真空冶金[学]vacuum metallurgy
- 等离子冶金[学]plasma metallurgy
- 微生物冶金[学]microbial metallurgy
- 喷射冶金[学]injection metallurgy
- 钢包冶金[学]ladle metallurgy
- 二次冶金[学]secondary metallurgy
- 机械冶金[学]mechanical metallurgy
- 焊接冶金[学]welding metallurgy
- 粉末冶金[学]powder metallurgy
- 铸造学foundry
- 火法冶金[学]pyrometallurgy
- 湿法冶金[学]hydrometallurgy
- 电冶金[学]electrometallurgy
- 氯[气]冶金[学]chlorine metallurgy
- 矿物资源综合利用工程engineering of comprehensive uti- lization of mineral resources
- 中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals
- 中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China