科学技术名词为您提供有用矿物,valuable mineral,有用矿物的意思,valuable mineral的意思,有用矿物的英文,valuable mineral的翻译,有用矿物的翻译,有用矿物是什么意思,有用矿物什么意思,valuable mineral是什么意思,valuable mineral什么意思
有用矿物 相关科技名词
- 采矿工艺mining technology
- 有用矿物valuable mineral
- 冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials
- 矿床mineral deposit
- 特殊采矿specialized mining
- 海洋采矿oceanic mining;marine mining
- 硬岩采矿hard rock mining
- 矿田mine field
- 矿山mine
- 露天矿山surface mine
- 地下矿山underground mine
- 井田shaft area
- 矿井shaft
- 矿床勘探mineral deposit exploration
- 矿山场地布置mine yard layout
- 矿山可行性研究mine feasibility study
- 矿山规模mine capacity
- 矿山生产能力mine production capacity
- 矿山年产量annual mine output
- 矿山服务年限mine life
- 矿山基本建设mine construction
- 矿山建设期限mine construction period
- 矿山投产start-up of mine production
- 矿山达产arrival at mine full capacity
- 矿山装备水平mine equipment level
- 开采顺序mining sequence
- 开采步骤stages of mining
- 采掘计划schedule of extraction and develop- ment
- 开采强度mining intensity
- 强化开采strengthening mining
- 采掘比development ratio
- 剥采比stripping ratio
- 采剥总量overall output of ore and waste
- 矿山维简工程mine engineering of maintaining simple reproduction
- 矿石回收率ore recovery ratio
- 矿石损失率ore loss ratio
- 矿石贫化率ore dilution ratio
- 工业矿石industrial ore
- 采出矿石extracted ore
- 商品矿石commodity ore