科学技术名词为您提供地表移动曲线,curve line of surface displacement,地表移动曲线的意思,curve line of surface displacement的意思,地表移动曲线的英文,curve line of surface displacement的翻译,地表移动曲线的翻译,地表移动曲线是什么意思,地表移动曲线什么意思,curve line of surface displacement是什么意思,curve line of surface displacement什么意思
地表移动曲线 相关科技名词
- 矿山测量[学]mine surveying
- 矿区控制测量control survey of mine district
- 近井点测量nearby shaft point survey
- 矿井联系测量shaft connection survey
- 矿井定向测量shaft orientation survey
- 井下测量underground survey
- 竖井施工测量shaft sinking survey
- 巷道施工测量drifting survey
- 井巷贯通测量mine workings link-up survey
- 采场测量stope survey
- 深孔测量longhole survey
- 采场空硐测量stope space survey
- 天井联系测量raise connecting survey
- 矿井延深测量shaft deepening survey
- 巷道验收测量drift footage measurement
- 矿山测量图mine survey map
- 巷道系统立体图stereographical view of develop- ment system
- 露天矿测量surface mine survey
- 采剥验收测量check and acceptance by survey on mining and stripping
- 采剥剖面图cross section view of mining and stripping
- 露天矿爆破测量blasting survey of surface mine
- 露天矿境界圈定boundary demarcation of surface mine
- 露天矿线路测量route survey of surface mine
- 排土场平面图plan view of waste disposal site
- 防排水系统图waterproof and drainage system map
- 地表移动曲线curve line of surface displacement
- 岩层移动strata displacement
- 开采沉陷mining subsidence
- 冒落带caving zone
- 裂隙带fissured zone
- 弯曲带bended zone;sagging zone
- 下沉系数subsidence factor
- 地表临界变形值critical value of surface deforma- tion
- 陷落角caved angle
- 移动角displacement angle
- 裂隙角fracture angle;fissure angle
- 断裂角break angle;crack angle
- 巷道腰线half height line of drift
- 竖井定向shaft plumbing
- 矿用经纬仪mine theodolite;mine transit