矿块结构要素 constructional elements of ore block 矿块结构要素的意思 constructional elements of ore block的意思
英文对照constructional elements of ore block
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科学技术名词为您提供矿块结构要素,constructional elements of ore block,矿块结构要素的意思,constructional elements of ore block的意思,矿块结构要素的英文,constructional elements of ore block的翻译,矿块结构要素的翻译,矿块结构要素是什么意思,矿块结构要素什么意思,constructional elements of ore block是什么意思,constructional elements of ore block什么意思
矿块结构要素 相关科技名词
- 切割槽slot
- 切割天井slot raise
- 凿岩巷道drilling drift
- 凿岩硐室drilling chamber
- 格筛巷道grizzly level
- 二次破碎巷道secondary blasting level
- 耙矿巷道slusher drift
- 回采进路extracting drift
- 装矿巷道loading drift
- 电梯井elevator raise
- 设备井equipment raise
- 漏斗draw cone
- 切割slotting
- 拉底undercutting
- 底柱结构construction of sill pillar
- 平底底柱结构flat-bottom sill pillar
- 堑沟底柱结构trench-shape sill pillar
- 漏斗底柱结构cone-shape sill pillar
- 回采extracting;stoping
- 回采工作面extracting face;stoping face
- 回采步距stoping space
- 落矿ore break down
- 矿石运搬ore handling;ore mucking
- 放矿ore drawing
- 装矿ore loading
- 空场采矿法open stoping
- 全面采矿法breast stoping
- 房柱采矿法room-and-pillar stoping
- 分段采矿法sublevel stoping
- 阶段矿房采矿法block stoping
- VCR采矿法vertical crater retreat stoping;VCR stoping
- 留矿采矿法shrinkage stoping
- 充填采矿法cut and fill stoping
- 水平分层充填法horizontal cut and fill stoping
- 垂直分条充填法vertical cut and fill stoping
- 壁式充填法wall fill stoping
- 上向分层充填法overhand cut and fill stoping
- 下向分层充填法underhand cut and fill stoping
- 方框支架充填法square set and fill stoping
- 削壁充填法resuing stoping