科学技术名词为您提供排土场,waste disposal site,排土场的意思,waste disposal site的意思,排土场的英文,waste disposal site的翻译,排土场的翻译,排土场是什么意思,排土场什么意思,waste disposal site是什么意思,waste disposal site什么意思
排土场 相关科技名词
- 平台berm
- 露天矿开拓方法development method of surface mine
- 固定坑线permanent ramp
- 移动坑线shiftable ramp
- 折返坑线zigzag ramp;switch back ramp
- 直进坑线straight forward ramp
- 螺旋坑线spiral ramp
- 回返坑线run-around ramp
- 铁路开拓railway development
- 公路开拓highway development
- 胶带运输机开拓belt conveyor development
- 提升机开拓hoisting way development
- 平硐溜井开拓tunnel and ore pass development
- 溜井运输orepass transportation
- 溜槽trough
- 转载平台transfer platform
- 排土waste disposal
- 排土场waste disposal site
- 推土机排土waste disposal with bulldozer
- 电铲排土waste disposal with shovel
- 排土犁排土waste disposal with plough
- 胶带输送机排土waste disposal with belt conveyor
- 边坡稳定性slope stability
- 边坡破坏模式slope failure mode
- 边坡疏干slope dewatering
- 边坡加固slope reinforcement
- 滑坡slope sliding failure
- 护坡slope covering
- 挡土墙retaining wall
- 边坡监测slope monitoring
- 掘沟trenching;ditching
- 水枪射流water jet by hydraulic monitor
- 水力冲采hydraulic sluicing
- 土岩预松preliminary loosening of sediments
- 水力输送hydraulic conveying
- 水力排土场hydraulic waste disposal site
- 淘金gold panning
- 采砂船开采dredging
- 截水沟interception ditch
- 平台水沟berm ditch