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科学技术名词为您提供自发过程,spontaneous process,自发过程的意思,spontaneous process的意思,自发过程的英文,spontaneous process的翻译,自发过程的翻译,自发过程是什么意思,自发过程什么意思,spontaneous process是什么意思,spontaneous process什么意思
自发过程 相关科技名词
- 物理气相沉积physical vapor deposition;PVD
- 里斯特图Rist's diagram
- 埃林厄姆-理查森图Ellingham-Richardson diagram
- 相稳定区图phase stability area diagram
- 普贝图Pourbaix diagram
- 离子交换ion exchange
- 离子交换树脂ion exchange resin
- 溶剂萃取solvent extraction
- 反萃取stripping
- 系综ensemble
- 正则系综canonical ensemble
- 配分函数partition function
- 统计权重statistical weight
- 玻尔兹曼分布定律Boltzmann distribution law
- 玻色-爱因斯坦分布Bose-Einstein distribution
- 费米-狄拉克分布Fermi-Dirac distribution
- 显著结构理论significant structure theory
- 硬球理论hard sphere theory
- 定标粒子理论scaled particle theory
- 空穴理论hole theory
- 自由体积理论free volume theory
- 电负性electronegativity
- 泡利[不相容]原理Pauli exclusion principle
- 冶金电化学metallurgical electrochemistry
- 熔盐电化学electrochemistry of fused salts
- 固态离子学solid state ionics
- 电解质溶液electrolyte solution
- 电离平衡ionization equilibrium
- 阳离子cation
- 阴离子anion
- 强电解质strong electrolyte
- 弱电解质weak electrolyte
- 德拜-休克尔强电解质溶液理论Debye-Hüeckel theory of strong electrolyte solution
- 电离常数ionization constant
- 溶度积solubility product
- 离子活度系数ionic activity coefficient
- 离子水合ionic hydration
- 离子溶剂化ionic solvation
- 离子缔合ionic association
- 离子络合物ionic complex