科学技术名词为您提供旋涡熔炼,cyclone furnace smelting,旋涡熔炼的意思,cyclone furnace smelting的意思,旋涡熔炼的英文,cyclone furnace smelting的翻译,旋涡熔炼的翻译,旋涡熔炼是什么意思,旋涡熔炼什么意思,cyclone furnace smelting是什么意思,cyclone furnace smelting什么意思
旋涡熔炼 相关科技名词
- 重金属heavy non-ferrous metals
- 自热焙烧熔炼pyritic smelting
- 半自热焙烧熔炼semi-pyritic smelting
- 鼓风炉熔炼blast furnace smelting
- 矮竖炉熔炼low-shaft furnace smelting
- 料封密闭鼓风炉熔炼blast furnace of top charged wet concentrate
- 反射炉熔炼reverberatory furnace smelting
- 闪速熔炼flash smelting
- 奥托昆普闪速熔炼Outokumpu flash smelting
- 国际镍公司闪速熔炼INCO flash smelting
- 电炉熔炼electric furnace smelting
- 旋涡熔炼cyclone furnace smelting
- 基夫采特熔炼法Kivcet smelting process
- 白银炼铜法Baiyin copper smelting process
- 雾化熔炼spray smelting
- 转炉吹炼converting
- 卧式转炉Pearce-Smith converter
- 虹吸式卧式转炉Hoboken siphon converter
- 顶吹旋转转炉top-blown rotary converter;TBRC
- 特尼恩特转炉Teniente modified converter;TMC
- 短旋转炉熔炼short rotary furnace smelting
- 连续炼铜法continuous copper smelting process
- 诺兰达法Noranda process
- 沃克拉法WORCRA process
- 三菱法Mitsubishi process
- Q-S-L法Q-S-L process
- 连续顶吹炼铜法continuous top blowing process;CONTOP
- 一步离析炼铜法one-step copper segregation pro- cess
- 二步离析炼铜法two-step copper segregation pro- cess
- 难处理铜矿离析炼铜法TORCO process;treatment of re- fractory copper ores process
- 火法精炼fire refining
- 插木还原poling
- 铜锍copper matte
- 镍锍nickel matte
- 白锍white metal
- 锍率matte rale
- 渣率slag rale
- 炉结accretion
- 磁性氧化铁层积magnetite coating
- 造铜期copper making period