科学技术名词为您提供面心立方点阵,face-centered cubic lattice,面心立方点阵的意思,face-centered cubic lattice的意思,面心立方点阵的英文,face-centered cubic lattice的翻译,面心立方点阵的翻译,面心立方点阵是什么意思,面心立方点阵什么意思,face-centered cubic lattice是什么意思,face-centered cubic lattice什么意思
面心立方点阵 相关科技名词
- 晶体学crystallography
- 点阵lattice
- 布拉维点阵Bravais lattice
- 空间点阵space lattice
- 面心立方点阵face-centered cubic lattice
- 体心立方点阵body-centered cubic lattice
- 密排六方结构close-packed hexagonal structure
- 轴比axial ratio
- 晶体取向crystallographic orientation
- 晶面crystal face;crystallographic plane
- 晶面间距interplanar spacing
- 晶面指数indices of lattice plane
- 阵点lattice point
- 点阵参数lattice parameter
- 点阵常数lattice constant
- 晶胞unit cell
- 晶轴crystallographic axis
- 晶向crystallographic direction
- 晶带crystallographic zone
- 晶向指数indices of crystallographic direction
- 晶带轴zone axis
- 倒易点阵reciprocal lattice
- 惯态面habit plane
- 配位数coordination number
- 配位层coordination shell
- 最近邻nearest neighbour
- 空间填充率space-filling factor
- 准晶[体]quasicrystal
- 孪晶twin
- 堆垛层序stacking sequence
- 间隙interstice
- 四面体间隙tetrahedral interstice
- 八面体间隙octahedral interstice
- 四方度tetragonality
- 基面basal plane
- 棱柱面prismatic plane
- 原子间距interatomic distance
- 金属键metallic bond
- 共价键covalent bond
- 离子键ionic bond