科学技术名词为您提供局部李群,local Lie group,局部李群的意思,local Lie group的意思,局部李群的英文,local Lie group的翻译,局部李群的翻译,局部李群是什么意思,局部李群什么意思,local Lie group是什么意思,local Lie group什么意思
局部李群 相关科技名词
- 李群Lie group
- 局部李群local Lie group
- 实李群real Lie group
- 复李群complex Lie group
- 解析群analytic group;connected Lie group
- 李群同构isomorphism of Lie groups
- 子李群Lie subgroup
- 解析子群analytic subgroup;connected Lie subgroup
- 李群的李代数Lie algebra of a Lie group
- 左平移left translation
- 左不变left invariant
- 离散子群discrete subgroup
- 解析同态analytic homomorphism
- 解析同构analytic isomorphism
- 解析同态的微分differential of an analytic homo- morphism
- 单连通解析群simply connected analytic group
- 局部解析同构locally analytical isomorphic
- 闭子李群closed Lie subgroup
- 单参数子群one parameter subgroup
- 指数映射exponential mapping
- 第一类典范坐标canonical coordinates of the first kind
- 第二类典范坐标canonical coordinates of the second kind
- 幂零解析群nilpotent analytic group
- 可解解析群solvable analytic group
- 交换李群commutative Lie group
- 商李群quotient Lie group
- 实一般线性群real general linear group
- 复一般线性群complex general linear group
- 李群的表示representation of a Lie group
- 实表示real representation
- 复表示complex representation
- 复解析表示complex analytic representation
- 旋量表示spin representation
- 指数映射的微分differential of exponential mapping
- 贝克-坎贝尔-豪斯多夫公式Baker-Cambell-Hausdorff formula
- 局部变换群local transformation group
- 整体变换群global transformation group
- 无穷小变换群infinitesimal transformation group
- 李群的包络代数enveloping algebra of a Lie group
- 半单李群semi-simple Lie group