英文对照system with effectively earthed neutral
所属学科电气工程 > 绝缘配合和高电压试验技术
见载刊物《电工名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供中性点有效接地系统,system with effectively earthed neutral,中性点有效接地系统的意思,system with effectively earthed neutral的意思,中性点有效接地系统的英文,system with effectively earthed neutral的翻译,中性点有效接地系统的翻译,中性点有效接地系统是什么意思,中性点有效接地系统什么意思,system with effectively earthed neutral是什么意思,system with effectively earthed neutral什么意思
中性点有效接地系统 相关科技名词
- 绝缘配合insulation co-ordination
- 中性点有效接地系统system with effectively earthed neutral
- 中性点非有效接地系统system with non-effectively earth- ed neutral
- 谐振接地系统resonant earthed system
- 中性点直接接地系统solidly earthed neutral system
- 阻抗接地系统impedance earthed system
- 中性点绝缘系统isolated neutral system
- 雷电流lightning current
- 持续[工频]电压continuous [power-frequency] voltage
- 代表性过电压representative overvoltage
- 暂态过电压temporary overvoltage
- 缓波前过电压slow-front overvoltage
- 快波前过电压fast-front overvoltage
- 陡波前过电压very-fast-front overvoltage
- 联合过电压combined overvoltage
- 瞬态过电压transient overvoltage
- 惯用最大过电压conventional maximum overvoltage
- 统计过电压statistical overvoltage
- 相对地过电压标幺值phase-to-earth overvoltage per unit
- 相间过电压标幺值phase-to-phase overvoltage per unit
- 保护水平protection level
- 保护因数protection factor
- 高压电力设备high voltage electric power equip- ment
- 输配电设备equipment for power transmission and distribution
- 设备最高电压highest voltage for equipment
- 外绝缘external insulation
- 内绝缘internal insulation
- 纵绝缘longitudinal insulation
- 自恢复绝缘self-restoring insulation
- 非自恢复绝缘non-self-restoring insulation
- 耐受电压withstand voltage
- 工频耐受电压power-frequency withstand voltage
- 冲击耐受电压impulse withstand voltage
- 惯用冲击耐受电压conventional impulse withstand voltage
- 统计冲击耐受电压statistical impulse withstand vol- tage
- 短时工频耐受电压short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
- 干耐受电压dry-withstand voltage
- 湿耐受电压wet-withstand voltage
- 凝露耐受电压dew-withstand voltage
- 基本雷电冲击绝缘水平basic lightning impulse insulation level;BIL