科学技术名词为您提供电动行李车,[electric] motor luggage car,电动行李车的意思,[electric] motor luggage car的意思,电动行李车的英文,[electric] motor luggage car的翻译,电动行李车的翻译,电动行李车是什么意思,电动行李车什么意思,[electric] motor luggage car是什么意思,[electric] motor luggage car什么意思
电动行李车 相关科技名词
- 车轴电路axle circuit
- 接触网contact line
- 架空接触网overhead contact line
- 接触导线contact wire
- 回流电路return circuit
- 回流电缆return cable
- 辅助导线pilot wire
- 单架空线接触网single overhead contact line
- 双架空线接触网double overhead contact line
- 悬链catenary suspension
- 承力索catenary [wire]
- 主承力索main catenary
- 辅助承力索auxiliary catenary
- 单接触导线系统single-contact wire system
- 双接触导线系统double-contact wire system
- 单接触导线的悬链catenary suspension with one con- tact wire
- 双接触导线的悬链catenary suspension with two con- tact wires
- 双悬链double catenary suspension
- 复式悬链compound catenary suspension
- 馈电电缆feeder cable
- 加强馈电线line feeder
- 斜悬链inclined catenary
- 折线悬链polygonal catenary
- 桥接导线bridging conductor
- 架空线网交叉器overhead crossing
- 架空线网分线器overhead switching
- 架空线网并线器overhead junction crossing
- 架空线网线岔overhead junction knuckle
- 悬臂bracket;cantilever
- 硬横跨rolled steel single beam
- 横跨线cross span
- 软定位器pull-off
- 定位臂registration arm
- 刚性定位臂steady arm
- 旋转悬臂hinged cantilever
- 电分段器sectioning device
- 绝缘端交叠分段insulated overlap
- 分段绝缘器section insulator
- 中性区段neutral section
- 张力调整器tensioning device