局部增热电热毯 blanket with increased heating area 局部增热电热毯的意思 blanket with increased heating area的意思
英文对照blanket with increased heating area
见载刊物《电工名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供局部增热电热毯,blanket with increased heating area,局部增热电热毯的意思,blanket with increased heating area的意思,局部增热电热毯的英文,blanket with increased heating area的翻译,局部增热电热毯的翻译,局部增热电热毯是什么意思,局部增热电热毯什么意思,blanket with increased heating area是什么意思,blanket with increased heating area什么意思
局部增热电热毯 相关科技名词
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