科学技术名词为您提供电压等级,voltage level,电压等级的意思,voltage level的意思,电压等级的英文,voltage level的翻译,电压等级的翻译,电压等级是什么意思,电压等级什么意思,voltage level是什么意思,voltage level什么意思
电压等级 相关科技名词
- 系统同步运行synchronous operation of a system
- 发电机组计划运行scheduled operation of a generating set
- 电机同步运行synchronous operation of a machine
- 同步电机异步运行asynchronous operation of synchronous machine
- 失步运行out-of-step operation
- 失磁运行loss of excitation
- 再同步resynchronization
- 并联同步电机振荡hunting of interconnected synchronous machines
- 两系统同步synchronization of two systems
- 自同步并列self-synchronization
- 准同步并列quasi-synchronization
- 并列interconnection
- 解列splitting
- 电网解列islanding;network splitting
- 解列点splitting point
- 合环ring closing
- 解环ring opening
- 电网局部辐射运行radial operation of a part of a network
- 电网局部环式运行ring operation of a part of a network
- 孤立系统isolated power system;island [in a power system]
- 孤立运行isolated operation
- 互联运行interconnected operation
- 分网运行separate network operation
- 并联运行interconnected operation
- 电力系统异常运行abnormal operation of power system
- 电力系统频率异常运行abnormal frequency operation of power system
- 周期性电压变化cyclic voltage variation
- 不平衡运行unbalanced operation
- 异步运行asynchronous operation
- 非全相运行open phase operation
- 功率/频率调节power /frequency control
- 调频方式mode of frequency regulation
- 一次调频primary control [of the speed of generating sets]
- 二次调频secondary control [of active power in a system]
- 发电机组[二次]功率调节[secondary] power control operation of a generating set
- 机组频率静特性droop of a set
- [电力]系统频率静特性droop of a system
- 系统功率/频率[调节]特性regulating energy of a system;power/ frequency characteristic of a system
- 功率调节范围controlling power range
- 发电机组的调节范围control range of a generating set