英文对照dynamic stability of a power system
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供电力系统动态稳定性,dynamic stability of a power system,电力系统动态稳定性的意思,dynamic stability of a power system的意思,电力系统动态稳定性的英文,dynamic stability of a power system的翻译,电力系统动态稳定性的翻译,电力系统动态稳定性是什么意思,电力系统动态稳定性什么意思,dynamic stability of a power system是什么意思,dynamic stability of a power system什么意思
电力系统动态稳定性 相关科技名词
- 输电效率transmission efficiency
- 电[力]网electric power network;[electric power] grid
- 输电transmission of electricity;power transmission
- 变电transformation of electricity;power transformation
- 供电power supply
- 电网结构network structure;network configuration
- 电力系统图power system diagram
- 系统连接方式system connection pattern
- 系统运行结线方式connection scheme of power system operation
- 系统单线图one-line diagram
- 受端系统receiving-end system
- 送端系统sending-end system
- 主干电网main grid
- 电磁环网electromagnetic looped network
- 网格系统meshed system
- 地下[输电]系统underground system
- 架空[输电]系统overhead system
- 电力系统联络线tie line
- 单电源供电single supply
- 双电源供电duplicate supply
- 备用电源standby supply
- 馈线feeder
- 单馈线single feeder;radial feeder
- 支线branch line
- T接线路tapped line;teed line
- 接户线路supply service;line connection
- 分界点delivery point
- 环形馈线ring feeder
- [三相系统]中性点neutral point
- 中性点位移电压neutral point displacement voltage
- 中性点接地方式neutral point treatment;neutral point connection
- 中性点不接地系统isolated neutral system;ungrounded neutral system
- 中性点直接接地系统solidly earthed [neutral] system
- 中性点阻抗接地系统impedance earthed [neutral] system
- 中性点谐振接地系统resonant earthed [neutral] system;arc-suppression-coil earthed [neutral] system
- 网损transmission loss
- 网损计算calculation of transmission loss
- 厂用电率rate of house power
- 电力系统储能energy storage of power system
- 电力系统升级改造reinforcement of a system