英文对照electrostatic field
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供静电场,electrostatic field,静电场的意思,electrostatic field的意思,静电场的英文,electrostatic field的翻译,静电场的翻译,静电场是什么意思,静电场什么意思,electrostatic field是什么意思,electrostatic field什么意思
静电场 相关科技名词
- 电极化率electric susceptibility
- 电极化曲线electric polarization curve
- 电偶极子electric dipole
- 基本电偶极子elementary electric dipole
- 电偶极矩electric dipole moment
- 电滞electric hysteresis
- 电滞回线electric hysteresis loop
- 电致伸缩electrostriction
- 电流[electric] current
- 传导电流conduction current
- 运流电流convection current
- 离子电流ionic current
- 位移电流displacement current
- 全电流total current
- 极化电流polarization current
- 库仑定律Coulomb law
- 高斯定理Gauss theorem
- 磁学magnetism;magnetics
- 磁场magnetic field
- 磁场强度magnetic field strength
- 标量磁位scalar magnetic potential
- 矢量磁位vector magnetic potential
- 磁位差magnetic potential difference
- 磁通[量]magnetic flux
- 磁感应强度magnetic flux density
- 磁通链linked flux
- 磁动势magnetomotive force;MMF
- 安匝ampere-turn
- 自感应self-induction
- 自感系数coefficient of self-inductance
- 自感电动势self-induced EMF
- 互感应mutual induction
- 互感系数coefficient of mutual inductance
- 互感电动势mutual induced EMF
- 感应电压induced voltage
- 耦合coupling
- 耦合系数coupling coefficient
- 磁化强度magnetization intensity
- 磁矩magnetic area moment
- 磁化magnetization