高阶偏导数 partial derivative of higher order 高阶偏导数的意思 partial derivative of higher order的意思
科学技术名词为您提供高阶偏导数,partial derivative of higher order,高阶偏导数的意思,partial derivative of higher order的意思,高阶偏导数的英文,partial derivative of higher order的翻译,高阶偏导数的翻译,高阶偏导数是什么意思,高阶偏导数什么意思,partial derivative of higher order是什么意思,partial derivative of higher order什么意思
高阶偏导数 相关科技名词
- 分析[学]analysis
- 实分析real analysis
- 上界upper bound
- 上确界least upper bound
- 下界lower bound
- 下确界greatest lower bound
- 有界[的]bounded
- 聚点point of accumulation
- 聚点原理principle of the point of accumulation
- 区间interval
- 开区间open interval
- 闭区间closed interval
- 博雷尔集Borel set
- Fσ集Fσ set
- Gδ集Gδ set
- 解析集analytic set
- 康托尔集Cantor set
- 实变量real variable
- 自变量independent variable
- 函数function
- 一元函数function of one variable
- 多元函数function of several variables
- 实变函数function of real variable
- 实值函数real-valued function
- 数量级order of magnitude
- 序列sequence
- 极限limit
- 上极限upper limit;superior limit
- 下极限lower limit;inferior limit
- 左极限left limit
- 右极限right limit
- 连续函数continuous function
- 一致连续[的]uniformly continuous
- 等度连续[的]equicontinuous
- 赫尔德条件Ho&4&lder condition
- 利普希茨条件Lipschitz condition
- 上极限函数upper limit function
- 下极限函数lower limit function
- 上半连续[的]upper semi-continuous
- 下半连续[的]lower semi-continuous