英文对照capital and interest price
名词定义在我国实行集资办电政策后,对于不依靠政府财政拨款而实行负债建设的电厂(独立经营集资电厂、中外合资电厂等 ),根据电厂还本付息需要和核定收益水平所确定的发电上网电价。
所属学科电力 > 调度与通信、电力市场
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供还本付息电价,capital and interest price,还本付息电价的意思,capital and interest price的意思,还本付息电价的英文,capital and interest price的翻译,还本付息电价的翻译,还本付息电价是什么意思,还本付息电价什么意思,capital and interest price是什么意思,capital and interest price什么意思
还本付息电价 相关科技名词
- 单向差价合同unidirectional contract for difference
- 单一购买者模式single-buyer
- 电力交易power trading
- 电力金融交易financial power trading
- 电力联营[机构]power pool
- 电力实物交易physical power trading
- 电力市场electricity market
- 电力市场模式electricity market model
- 多边交易multilateral trading
- 发电竞争模式generation competition
- 发电权转让交易generation right transfer trading
- 发电市场generation market
- 分次竞价sequential bidding
- 分时竞价time period bidding
- 合同交易contract trading
- 交易方式trading manner
- 交易类型trading classification
- 竞价bidding
- 可中断远期合同interruptible forward contract
- 灵活电力合同flexible power contract
- 零售竞争模式retail competition
- 批发竞争模式wholesale competition
- 区域电力市场regional electricity market
- 全电量竞争模式whole energy competition
- 现货交易spot trading
- 日前交易day-ahead trading
- 时前交易hour-ahead trading
- 交易时段trading period
- 实时交易real-time trading
- 授权差价合同authorized contract for difference
- 双边差价合同bilateral contract for difference
- 双边交易bilateral trading
- 双向差价合同bidirectional contract for difference
- 物理输电权physical transmission right
- 大用户large customer
- 电力零售商power retailer
- 电力经纪人power broker
- 独立发电商independent power producer;IPP
- 配电商power distributor
- 市场运营机构market operator