独立发电商 independent power producer;IPP 独立发电商的意思 independent power producer;IPP的意思 独立发电商的英文
英文对照independent power producer;IPP
所属学科电力 > 调度与通信、电力市场
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供独立发电商,independent power producer;IPP,独立发电商的意思,independent power producer;IPP的意思,独立发电商的英文,independent power producer;IPP的翻译,独立发电商的翻译,独立发电商是什么意思,独立发电商什么意思,independent power producer;IPP是什么意思,independent power producer;IPP什么意思
独立发电商 相关科技名词
- 绝对时标absolute chronology;time tagging
- 集中绝对时标centralized absolute chronology
- 自发传输spontaneous transmission
- 循环传输cyclic transmission
- 按请求传输transmission on demand
- 判决反馈传输transmission with decision feedback
- 信息反馈传输transmission with information feedback
- 静态远动系统quiescent telecontrol system
- 问答式远动系统polling telecontrol system;interrogative telecontrol system
- 通道可选远动系统channel selecting telecontrol system;common diagram telecontrol system
- 比特差错率bit error rate
- 块差错率block error rate
- 无功功率与电压最优控制reactive power and voltage optimized control
- 信息丢失率rate of information loss
- 信息传送率information transfer rate
- 信息传送效率information transfer efficiency
- 信息容量information capacity
- 总响应时间overall response time
- 总传送时间overall transfer time
- 远动传送时间telecontrol transfer time
- 平均传送时间average transfer time
- 更新时间updating time;refresh time
- 安全性security
- 安全约束调度security constrained dispatch
- 能量管理系统energy management system;EMS
- 自动发电控制automatic generation control;AGC
- 一致性测试conformance testing
- 电力系统元件power system element
- 电力系统事故contingency in power system
- 状态估计器state estimator
- 在线静态安全分析on-line steady state security analysis
- 告警alarm
- 自适应频率控制adaptive control of frequency
- 残留差错率residual error rate
- 启动时间start time
- 再启动时间restart time
- 通信运行管理operation management of communication
- 部分电量竞争模式partial energy competition
- 差价合同contract for difference
- 垂直垄断模式vertically integrated monopoly