英文对照joint soldering
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供接头焊接,joint soldering,接头焊接的意思,joint soldering的意思,接头焊接的英文,joint soldering的翻译,接头焊接的翻译,接头焊接是什么意思,接头焊接什么意思,joint soldering是什么意思,joint soldering什么意思
接头焊接 相关科技名词
- 带不平衡负荷运行unbalanced loading operation
- 低励及失磁运行under excitation and loss of excitation
- 冷却条件偏离额定值cooling condition deviated from normal
- 带励磁失步运行out-of-step operation with excitation
- 水冷发电机断水loss of cooling water supply
- 发电机故障generator failure
- 定子绕组绝缘故障stator winding insulation failure
- 定子线棒接头开焊soldering joint failure
- 定子线棒导线断股broken conductor strand of stator coil bar
- 定子端部绕组匝间短路inter-turn short circuit in stator end winding
- 水冷电机定子绕组漏水water leakage from water cooled stator winding
- 空心导线堵塞clogging-up of hollow conductor
- 铁心故障core failure
- 负序电流烧坏转子rotor damaged by negative sequence current
- 机组主轴磁化main shaft magnetized
- 护环开裂retaining ring fracture
- 水冷转子漏水water leakage from water cooled rotor
- 转子绕组接地rotor winding earth fault
- 转子绕组匝间短路rotor winding inter-turn short circuit
- 氢内冷转子通风孔堵塞blocking of ventilation hole on hydrogen inner cooled rotor
- 励磁系统故障excitation system fault
- 氢系统故障hydrogen system trouble
- 水系统故障cooling water system trouble
- 油系统故障oil system trouble
- 发电机运行监测operational monitoring of generator
- 温度监测temperature monitoring
- 发电机工况监测器generator condition monitor;GCM
- 轴电压监测器shaft grounding monitor
- 定子槽放电监测器stator slot [partial discharge] coupler
- 无线电频率监测器radio frequency [partial discharge] monitor;RFM
- 转子匝间短路监测器rotor shorted turn detector
- 轴系扭振监测器shaft torsional oscillation monitor
- 电刷工况监测器brush condition monitor
- 定子绕组端部振动监测器stator end winding vibration monitor
- 氢气露点监测器hydrogen dew point monitor;HDM
- 定子冷却水电导率计stator cooling water conductivity cell
- 定子铁心机座振动监测器stator core/frame vibration monitor
- 定子铁心叠片振动声频监测器audio detector for core lamination vibration
- 补氢量测量器hydrogen make-up rate monitor
- 定子内冷水含氢量监测器hydrogen into water leakage monitor