科学技术名词为您提供电泳显示,electrophoretic display;EPD,电泳显示的意思,electrophoretic display;EPD的意思,电泳显示的英文,electrophoretic display;EPD的翻译,电泳显示的翻译,电泳显示是什么意思,电泳显示什么意思,electrophoretic display;EPD是什么意思,electrophoretic display;EPD什么意思
电泳显示 相关科技名词
- 动态散射模式dynamic scattering mode;DSM
- 扭曲向列模式twisted nematic mode;TN mode
- 垂直排列相畸变模式deformation of vertically aligned phase mode
- 超扭曲双折射效应supertwisted birefringent effect;SBE ef
- 阴极射线管cathode-ray tube;CRT
- 发光二极管light-emitting diode;LED
- 显像管picture tube;kinescope
- 彩色显像管color picture tube;color kinescope
- 黑白显像管black and white picture tube
- 摄像管camera tube;pickup tube
- 视像管vidicon
- 硫化锑视像管antimony sulfide vidicon
- 硅靶视像管silicon target vidicon
- 热[释]电视像管pyroelectric vidicon
- 像增强器image intensifier
- 变像管image converter tube
- 寻像管view finder tube
- 投影管projection tube
- 存储管storage tube
- 直观存储管direct viewing storage tube
- 扫描转换管scan converter tube
- 静电存储管electrostatic storage tube
- 微通道板示波管microchannel plate cathode-ray tube;MCPCRT
- 方角平屏显像管flat squared picture tube;FS picture tube
- 示波管oscilloscope tube
- 指示管indicator tube
- 束引示管beam index tube
- 扁平阴极射线管flat cathode-ray tube
- 显示板display panel
- 显示屏display screen
- 光阀light valve;LV
- 油膜光阀oil film light valve
- 电光晶体光阀electrooptic crystal light valve
- 液晶光阀liquid crystal light valve;LCLV
- 通道[式]电子倍增器channel electron multiplier
- 倍增极dynode
- 电控双折射模式electrically controlled birefrin-gencemode;ECB mode
- 混合排列向列模式hybrid aligned nematic display structuremode;HAN display structure mode
- 近晶相液晶smectic liquid crystal
- 向列相液晶nematic liquid crystal