水轮机 相关科技名词
- 进口边空化inlet edge cavitation
- 空化系数cavitation coefficient
- 临界空化系数critical cavitation coefficient
- 初生空化系数cavitation inception coefficient
- 电站空化系数plant cavitation coefficient;plant sigma
- 安装高程setting elevation
- 吸出高度suction height
- 泥沙磨损sand erosion
- 磨蚀combined erosion by sand and cavitation
- 现场试验field test
- 流速仪法current meter method
- 水锤法pressure-time method;Gibson method
- 指数法index method;WinterKennedy method
- 超声波法ultrasonic method
- 热力学法thermodynamic method
- [水力]稳定性hydraulic stability
- 无涡区zone without scroll
- [尾水管]涡带scroll;part load vortex
- 高部分负荷压力脉动higher part load vortex
- 叶道涡channel vortex
- 无叶区vaneless space
- 卡门涡Karman vortex
- 补气air admission
- 飞逸转速runaway speed
- 过渡过程transient
- 四象限特性曲线four-quadrant characteristic curve
- 甩负荷load rejection
- 调节保证计算calculation of regulating guarantee
- 速率上升speed rise
- 压力上升pressure rise
- 可逆式水轮机reversible turbine;pump-turbine
- 混流可逆式水轮机Francis pumpturbine
- 斜流可逆式水轮机diagonal pumpturbine
- 轴流可逆式水轮机propeller pump-turbine
- 贯流可逆式水轮机tubular pump-turbine
- 单级可逆式水轮机single stage pump-turbine
- 多级可逆式水轮机multi-stage pump-turbine
- 抽水蓄能机组pump storage unit
- 二机式抽水蓄能机组binary unit
- 三机式抽水蓄能机组tertiary units