英文对照value of marginal product;VMP
见载刊物《资源科学技术名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供边际产品价值,value of marginal product;VMP,边际产品价值的意思,value of marginal product;VMP的意思,边际产品价值的英文,value of marginal product;VMP的翻译,边际产品价值的翻译,边际产品价值是什么意思,边际产品价值什么意思,value of marginal product;VMP是什么意思,value of marginal product;VMP什么意思
边际产品价值 相关科技名词
- 资源经济学resource economics
- 经济资源economical resources
- 环境资源environmental resources
- 资源资产assets of resources
- 资源产品resource product
- 资源企业resource enterprise
- 资源产业resource industry
- 资源经济resource economy
- 资源经济特征economic feature of resources
- 资源社会特征social feature of resources
- 资源效用特征utility feature of resources
- 资源权属关系relationship of resource property right
- 资源经济制度resource economic systems
- 自然资源所有制systems of natural resource ownership
- 资源经济分配制度resource economic distribution systems
- 资源收益分配resource income distribution
- 资源业国民收入分配national income distribution of resource industry
- 资源企业分配resource enterprise distribution
- 资源产权制度systems of resource property right
- 自然资源产权制度systems of nature resource property right
- 资源企业制度resource enterprise systems
- 资源经济运行running of resource economy
- 资源经济运行主体running subject of resource economy
- 资源经济运行客体running object of resource economy
- 资源经济运行机制running mechanism of resource economy
- 市场机制market mechanism
- 计划机制planned mechanism
- 供求机制supply and demand mechanism
- 资源需求理论demand theory of resource demand
- 资源品需求resource goods demand
- 资源需求层次性hierarchy of resource demand
- 消费资源品需求函数demand function of consumption resource goods
- 资源品需求定律law of resource goods demand
- 资源品需求弹性demand elasticity of resource goods
- 消费资源品需求价格弹性price elasticity of resource goods demand
- 消费资源品需求收入弹性income elasticity of resource goods demand
- 消费资源品需求交叉价格弹性cross price elasticity of resource goods demand
- 消费资源品需求预期价格弹性anticipative price elasticity of resource goods demand
- 需求曲线demand curve
- 资源品价格效应price effect of resource goods