英文对照physical and chemical identification of Chinese crude drug
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科学技术名词为您提供中药材理化鉴定,physical and chemical identification of Chinese crude drug,中药材理化鉴定的意思,physical and chemical identification of Chinese crude drug的意思,中药材理化鉴定的英文,physical and chemical identification of Chinese crude drug的翻译,中药材理化鉴定的翻译,中药材理化鉴定是什么意思,中药材理化鉴定什么意思,physical and chemical identification of Chinese crude drug是什么意思,physical and chemical identification of Chinese crude drug什么意思
中药材理化鉴定 相关科技名词
- 天然药物natural medicine
- 天然药物资源natural medicine resources
- 天然药物资源学science of natural medicine resources
- 天然药物资源化学resource chemistry of natural medicine
- 天然药物资源管理学resource management of natural medicine
- 天然药物资源地理学resource geography of natural medicine
- 药材medicinal material
- 传统中药traditional Chinese medicine
- 中药Chinese materia medica
- 民族药ethnic drug
- 草药herb
- 道地药材genuine regional drug
- 动物药animal medicine
- 植物药phytomedicine
- 矿物药mineral medicine
- 海洋药物marine drug
- 原产药材native crude drug
- 药用植物资源medicinal plant resources
- 药用动物资源medicinal animal resources
- 药用菌物资源medicinal fungi resources
- 药用矿物资源medicinal mineral resources
- 药用昆虫资源medicinal insect resources
- 海洋药物资源marine drug resources
- 药用植物种质资源germplasm resources of medicinal plant
- 药用动物种质资源germplasm resources of medicinal animal
- [天然]药物资源调查survey of natural medicine resources
- [天然]药物种类调查floristic investigation of natural medicines
- [天然]药物资源蕴藏量stock of natural medicine resources
- [天然]药物资源经济量exploitative stock of natural medicine resources
- [天然]药物资源年允收量annual possible gathering volume of nature medicine resources
- 药用植物生产量biological productivity of medicinal plant
- 药用动物生产量biological productivity of medicinal animal
- 天然药物资源更新调查renewal investigation of natural medicine resources
- 器官更新renewal of medicinal organ
- 药用动植物种群更新regeneration of species population of medicinal plant and animal
- 天然药物资源数据库database of natural medicine resources
- 地带显域zonal
- 地带隐域intrazonal
- 中国天然药物资源区划regionalization of Chinese natural medicine resources
- 药用动植物适宜区suitable region of medicinal plant and animal