海洋能资源学 science of marine energy resources 海洋能资源学的意思 science of marine energy resources的意思
英文对照science of marine energy resources
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科学技术名词为您提供海洋能资源学,science of marine energy resources,海洋能资源学的意思,science of marine energy resources的意思,海洋能资源学的英文,science of marine energy resources的翻译,海洋能资源学的翻译,海洋能资源学是什么意思,海洋能资源学什么意思,science of marine energy resources是什么意思,science of marine energy resources什么意思
海洋能资源学 相关科技名词
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- 浅海养殖shallow sea culture
- 滩涂养殖tidal flat culture
- 港湾养殖bay culture
- 海水养殖面积mariculture area
- 海水养殖产量mariculture production
- 海水增殖marine stock enhancement
- 人工渔礁artificial fishing reef
- 人工放流artificial release
- 海洋农牧化ocean ranching
- 海洋牧场ocean ranch
- 海洋药用生物marine pharmaceutical organism
- 深海生物资源deep-sea biological resources
- 洋底生物资源oceanic bottom biological resources
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- 海洋石油offshore oil
- 海洋天然气offshore gas
- 海滨砂矿beach placer
- 海底磷灰石phosphorite of the sea floor
- 海底硫酸钡结核barium sulfide nodules of the sea floor
- 海底硫矿submarine sulfur ore deposit
- 海底岩盐矿undersea rock salt ore deposit
- 海底钾盐矿undersea potassium salt ore deposit
- 海底铁矿undersea iron ore deposit
- 海底煤矿undersea coal ore deposit
- 海底锡矿undersea tin ore deposit
- 海底重晶石矿undersea barite ore deposit
- 多金属结核polymetallic nodule
- 多金属结壳polymetal crust
- 海底热液矿床submarine hydrothermal deposit
- 海底烟囱submarine chimney
- 天然气水合物natural gas hydrate
- 海底采矿undersea mining
- 深海采矿deep-sea mining
- 海底采矿技术undersea mining technology
- 海岸带矿产coastal zone mineral resources
- 滨海矿产beach mineral resources
- 大陆架矿产continental shelf mineral resources
- 深海矿产deep-sea mineral resources
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